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恭喜集團母公司獲選2024 EdTech Awards數位內容獎!推動AI教育與環境永續理念!
京尼教育科技獲選2024 EdTech Awards數位內容獎,於今年盛大舉辦的教育科技展嶄露頭角!這項榮譽肯定了我們在推動AI教育和創新數位內容上的傑出貢獻,特別是在「生生用平板數位內容充實計畫」中的拓展應用,及響應2030雙語國家政策的努力。 ...
SK GES SC Week 5 -人工智慧想什麼 Artificial Intelligence Way of Life
Today we take children to know how earthquakes are formed and understand the consequences of earthquakes. Earthquakes are ground shaking...
SK GES SC Week 4 -蒙娜麗莎笑什麼 The Artist Lab
We had an art class today. In class, the art teacher taught us how to use colored clay to make the craft. We had to make the It’s fun...
MZ GES SC Week 4-蒙娜麗莎笑什麼?The Artist Lab
It’s the first day of our summer camp today, and we learned about a beautiful art - the herbarium. The teacher taught us what the...
SK GES SC Week 4-戶外教學日
Today is outing day for this week. We went to SAN-HE Tile Kiln. There, the guide let us know what the bricks and tiles are. Also, we...
N16 GES SC Week 3-阿基米德玩什麼?Archimedes Playing Science
Today we went to CO2 Tour for outdoor teaching.It’s a tourism factory in Chiayi. One of the most used way of carbon dioxide is the soda....
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